
Mar 31, 20211 min


By Melissa Thomas

The world has taken some big gut kicks in the last year or so. In Nashville, we’ve had our own share of things that are specific to us: tornadoes, bombing, and flooding. All around us, everywhere we look, people need a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen. They need someone to BE PRESENT. Our friends at HopeForce International call this the Ministry of Presence. You don’t need to have the right words to say, because you probably don’t. But do not underestimate the value of just being there.

God created every single individual and because we are stamped with His image, we are all valuable. Life and broken people may have told us otherwise and deep down inside, most of us struggle with our worth and value. When someone looks at us and smiles deeply or stops and listens to us, we feel like maybe we do matter. Look around and find a way to be present for someone. It could change their world or at least their “today.”

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way you obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 NLT
