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Our Vision

Our vision is to express the love and presence

of God to our community and to each other.

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We give priority to people before structures, systems, money, or any other institutional machinery. Because every single person is created in the image of God, we will treat them with love, respect, and dignity. Every person has value and worth regardless of their place, position, religion, or other characteristics. Putting people into groups, categories or stereotypes divides us and focuses on our differences. We will work to resist this tendency and focus on what we have in common.



The Words and values that are in the Bible are the foundation from which we do all things. It is from this position of belief in the triune God that we live and operate. With the Bible as our guidebook, we believe that we are taught to live well and take good care of others. We are to love every single person, including our enemies. We will care for the poor, seek justice and mercy for those within our care, and treat each person with respect. God loved us despite our brokenness, and when we experience and recognize this, we want to love others. So we will love God first, recognizing that right along with that is the imperative to love our neighbor. Our neighbor is the person we encounter or that we have the ability to help.



We will make every effort and take every opportunity to bridge the gaps between people in our community. We will focus on what unites us, not what divides us. We will grasp hands with others to promote a culture of respect and love among all of our neighbors.



We believe that we are all in this together. No man is an island and what we do or don’t do affects others. We will collaborate with church partners to provide education and opportunity to engage with the community. We will collaborate with businesses and other organizations to lock arms and create a culture of encouraging families of all ethnicities with support systems and opportunities to thrive. 

Our Values

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